Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Kinkiness and human experience?
So a blog post completely out of the ordinary shenanigans…but I just couldn’t help myself.
I think it is evident how much society has opened up to sexuality over the years. There once was a time (the beloved Victorian era) where simply showing off a woman’s ankles was considered heavily erotic, contrasting to this conservative nature comes society today, where it seems like there are only so many pieces of clothing you can take off before your naked…and still…”uh…wait I’m not turned on yet…the on button…uh where did it go?” *searches for remote control*. Well, in my head, either kinkiness has increased as a result of our openness to sexuality OR it has always been there and people are just more comfortable in voicing it. Perhaps it is a nice 50-50 cocktail blend…with pretty colours.
With our dearest Rihanna whaling (yes, for that is how she sings, she whales…like a great white) about S&M to Eva Longoria openly discussing her preference to be tied up with silk scarves, I’m pretty sure we’re at the panicle of sexuality thus far. But the question remains, what is going through people’s heads when they find and latch on to that to freaky little obsession we can now tag as a fetish? Well I think (quite obviously) it stems from their experiences. Needless to say a person is a product of what they experience and how they cognitively process the world. Everyone’s experiences and genetics are unique and thus we have a vast population of little freaks running around that try to act normal. But quite honestly, if we didn’t have this idea of “normal” in society that everyone can abide by…I think we’d be pretty damn scared to go out. We think people are weird because we don’t see what they’re doing in the same way that they see it (in light of their experiences of course). So we don’t understand it…if we don’t understand it, their behaviours become unpredictable…and therefore…they’re uhh… freakkin weirdoes man! So what interests me the most again falls in this idea of subjectivity, the subjectivity of sexual preferences.
Experiences influence everything we become as we develop and that influences your preferences. Take for example, people you are attracted to. Take a minute and think about the types of people you find most attractive, for this, let’s think about physical looks. What kinds of people look the most attractive to you? Have you every stopped and tried to think about this before? Now I know I am falling into the category of personal opinions on beauty but ideas on beauty are defiantly shaped by experiences and preferences (and preferences in turn are also caused by experiences) together, quite a bidirectional relationship if you ask me. But the point I am making here is experiences lay the foundation of how we perceive the world, and they contribute to our ideas of beauty and even sexual preference. I am not saying, however, that beauty and sexual preference necessarily go hand in hand, I am just using beauty as an example of how experiences are shaping how we perceive the world, since they do say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”…now, what is this “beholder” thinking? Getting to the roots of their experiences might just be getting to the source of their perceptions.
Now with beauty, I have read that people who are generally of the same attractiveness and personality tend to form relationships (i.e. friendships or partnerships). Quite evidently their ideas of beauty are slightly similar. Now… this is going to sound kind of off…but even simply looking at yourself in the mirror contributes to how you perceive beauty. You have grown up looking at yourself your whole life. You grow accustomed to the types of features you have on your face and you also grow accustomed to the features of people constantly surrounding you, like your family members. This process of growing “accustomed” to certain features would, in my opinion, contribute to our ideas of beauty. It would also make sense as to why attractive people generally find attractive partners, because they may have similar ideals in beauty as to what they have both grown accustomed to. For example, sometimes I find that a certain ethic group might find people of their own ethnicity most attractive. An Asian girl might find Asian men more attractive, perhaps because she has grown up around other members of her family who are also Asian and has all contributed to her ideas of beauty. And what about the natural experiences we go through growing up? People we meet or people we idolize? They defiantly play a huge role in our perceptions of beauty. When all is stripped down…they point I am making is experiences influenceàwhat you’re interested in, which influenceà what you like, which becomesà what you are attracted to.
Now with that being said…we can shift back to the main topic here which is this idea of kinky sexuality. So I don’t want to weird people out with this blog post…but I do have a secret question… I mean exactly how sexual are people? As in… what is considered normal? Now with so much openness on sexuality I feel like a Nun sometimes. Some of the things I’ve heard about… “hmm… well, that’s uh.. different” seems to be my only response. And that’s because… I can’t really judge a person if I don’t know their experiences that caused this fascination. Maybe if I had experienced what they have, in the same way through their eyes, I would find it attractive as well? But I think that’s why I am so interested in this odd topic. Why do people find some things so …uh arousing, when others sit back confused?
Now to this confuzzling question, fair readers of this pathetic blog, I lay in front of your two options: Maybe it is experiences… and the new option (to put it nicely); maybe their mentally… different. I personally prefer the first possibility… but keeping my options open I thought… hey maybe, you never know right? So we already went through how experiences may contribute to how we perceive beauty now in the same way experiences would contribute to what a person might find arousing. But how weird do people’s fetishes actually get? So maybe they come from experiences… but some of these weird ideas of sexuality really get me wondering… “Where the hell did that come from?” Like axillisim…. which is... getting it on with armpits (humanity, what have you come to? *facepalm* and I don’t even know how that’s even possible). Or bestiality (warning…) which is (cover your eyes…) doing it with dead, stuffed, REAL animals. So what the hell drives these attractions? I mean really? Armpits and dead animals? I-I just don’t want to live anymore.
When these kinds of ideas of sexuality come into play… I have no choice but to resort to what seems like the next logical option… which is mental instability. But I do think that if I would consider these things as acts of the mentally unstable, I would have to tweak my ideas of insanity. That would mean quite a chunk of people are mentally unstable…. But insanity is only insanity because these people are not normal. But what is considered normal is quite obviously what the masses conform to in a certain area. If the masses are into weird shit…that my friends is what’s normal. So maybe this openness to sexuality is a collection of the thoughts of the mass public… maybe humans in general are kinky. BUT I can’t help but point out that some fetishes are like ones of freaky sex offenders, kind of like the dudes you would see on Law and Order: SVU (high five if you watched it). What about dudes who like to dress up in women’s undergarments and then do … stuff (this post is so rated E for everyone…). Or men who enjoy getting it on with women dressed in Lolita-type clothes, kind of seems like a legal pedophile doesn’t it? It’s things like this, that make me wonder if it is some kind of mental issue… or just personality. The problem is humans are so vast in what makes them… and so different, that one size does not fit all, it seems like the possibilities are endless. Perhaps a possible answer: some stimuli that induce sexual arousal are caused by past experiences and some are caused by mental instabilities, maybe some are caused by both (yes… that seems like a satisfactory answer). But it seems so judgemental to say that someone is mentally unstable because they like to be spanked by a woman in a tight leather suit, thigh-high fishnets and a questionable whip maybe manz just lonely…*cough* (and apparently being whipped and electrocuted is the answer). But then again, who doesn’t want to feel accepted? No one wants to feel like they’re a freak. Maybe that’s why they go to these dominatrix type women in odd dungeons where they can be… mummified, whipped and spanked till their fantasies are satisfied without being judged. There is always more to a person, always a reason for everything perhaps we just don’t know their history well enough (that’s a friggen story to share with the kids huh?!).
Hmm well I guess in the end as long as your sexual preferences don’t hurt anyone or get in the way of someone living a normal healthy life they aren’t a problem. If that’s the case, then it would just be considered “weird” but that is just a word used to describe a novel situation or thing… something we haven’t heard about I guess… just something odd. But who doesn’t have odd sides to their personality… maybe we should just try to accept everyone is different in genetics and experiences? (This is how I brainwash myself into not judging people… brainwash…). But the subjectivity of sexual preferences will continue to intrigue me.
…I’m trying to think of something that makes me feel hearts and sheit but…it’s hard. O_o OH, people being accepting to others is something that makes me feel hearts… lets go with that.
Hearts & sheit! <3
Monday, 20 February 2012
Don't miss the Art
So I was scrolling around on Facebook and came across this little piece of writing...
A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
Written by Guillo Puig. Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
If you would like to listen to the piece clicky this here link! à It’s so beautiful! <3
To me it seems like society has taken a very left brain perspective on life. We're so obsessed with organizing; categorizing, and thinking rationally...we forget a ginormous part of being human is creativity, emotion, and inspiration! But one might say..."well Rav...that’s all fine and dandy but in order to advance in life and living situations we need a more logical perspective, we need to categorize and think rationally, like what science does for us." and to that, I completely agree. But ...what was needed for that first idea of an "atom"? CREATIVITY my friends, creativity! For any first idea you need a theory and for a theory you need an imagination... so seems like even science uses the two sides of the brain quite equally (in a very generalized sense of course.. I mean technically we are constantly using both sides).
Another thing... is it just me or are people generally brought up in a society that devalues art and creativity? In school there is quite obviously a hierarchy. Hmmm…let’s see…The maths and sciences most defiantly ranking first, then comes language and literature, and at the very bottom…*busts out magnifying glass* “Oh…I think I see it…Visual Arts…is that you?” I think the problem is schools don’t allow or stress creative freedom. Not even in the sciences, which is where they are in fact most needed for future advancement! You have a bunch of teenagers sitting in their science labs just doing them for the sake of doing them…no one wants to do a lab where you’re given the topic and even the friggen hypothesis (WTF MAN?). And so the teacher’s job is to simply teach the kids how to handle this stuff safely and possibly make it out alive without blowing off an arm. Thank you…just thanks. The amount of knowledge I have gained from this experience is just bewildering, I didn’t know I shouldn’t drink toxic substances at the end of a chemistry lab, you have changed how I see the world.
Okay I admit I might be a tad too sarcastic…I mean I did learn a thing or two in those labs but I think the point I’m getting at here is that the true amazement of the sciences is sucked out even before students get a proper taste of it, all because of the lack of creative freedom. And what do you end up with? A bunch of bored ass teenagers that are going into the sciences because their parents told them to…not because they actually find it interesting or want to advance the world at all. And those kids, my friends, is our potential future (oh joy!). What happened to the good ol’ days where dudes with the funky stashes were conducting experiments in their basements with results that break my awesometer? Back then, they had what we don’t today, an interest. And this odd word “interest” is something that creates itself, usually through experiences, it can’t be forced. With a little bit of creative freedom to students, they could explore topics they found interesting and maybe come up with some genuine ideas that have potential for expansion. I think the point of education should be to expand the mind and give way to exploration…but instead, it does quite the opposite. It sometimes bears closed minded elitists.
Let’s not even get started on how environment and experiences physiologically shape the brain. So a child is taught to be rational and logical his whole life by society, supressing what is a natural part of the human brain, creativity and imagination. And as a result his brain will begin to form stronger neurological connections to parts he is most using and diminish the ones he is not. So essentially, he will shape his own brain. He will make himself a rational machine without even noticing it (Ohmagawd!). So maybe society can try to stress creativity and the importance of imagination and help prevent little rational machines from being created. Little monsters!
Anyway I guess what I'm saying here is creativity is a natural part of humans and we live like logic and creativity are contrasting when really they are complimentary. <3 Seems like we miss a lot of things in life especially the beauty of it.
ART RULES THE WORLD! And that… just fills me up with hearts and sheit.
“Earth” without “art” is just “eh” –anonymous
Sunday, 12 February 2012
What do you first notice?
So I was strolling around our beloved Eaton Center downtown Toronto when I came across this and snapped a shot....
So I'm guessing the first thing you notice is the prettyful clothes on display...but seriously...what’s wrong with this picture? Hmm...think real hard. Well I think it's a perfect display of not clothes, but how our society thinks. "Well let’s make these attractive looking, trendy-dressed mannequins stand on top of a giant pile of books" ... Translation: What's the need for knowledge when you’re hot?
So I know I could easily be stretching what this means (well I am…it’s not like the creative organizers of this set up were conspiring or something). It’s just a pretty display, no biggie… but it did make me think about society and its ideals.
Pretty sure we can’t deny the consumerism taking over…well, everything O_o. Companies trying to sell their products make use of anything that they can get their hands on. Especially anything that appeals to our emotions. But in the process of pointing out that looking beautiful will enhance your confidence, they conveniently forget to include that good looks can only stay with you for so long. Truth is, good looks fade, and you have these creepy old ladies dowsed in makeup and wearing the tightest push-up they can find to try and look like they’re young again. Yay a bunch of insecure aged men and women who aren't happy with their lives because, well…their not “young and beautiful” anymore. Thank you media, for making them feel worthless after the age of 40. What I think I am saying is that we idealize a lot of things in society and conveniently forget that little extra detail (that is the most important) and so what do you have? You have the masses focusing on what your presenting and not using their own brains to think about these little details themselves.
I know I sound pretty harsh…and you know what, society isn’t that bad! In fact it’s great sometimes. But right now I think I want to point my finger at the people doing the consuming and not those trying to distribute their spanks-that-will-suck-your-fat-in-for-you goodies. Manz be tryina make a living son. But I must include the fact that with so many people trying to "make a living", and using the same techniques, causes the first spin to societies downward spiral…then all you need is a bunch of stupid teenagers that become easily impressed with anything that looks like it can give them a sense of confidence. And bam what do you have? You have our future generations of saggy boobed try-to-hard-to-look-young woman....(I get scared).
So these people that try to find a sense of confidence through clothes have the whole idea of confidence so damn wrong. And the worst part is, they don’t even know they’re unconfident. You must be thinking… “What? How does someone not know they're unconfident?” Well I’ve seen these types. The people who need to wear the latest trends that their friends are wearing. “So? They just want to fit in, what’s wrong with that Rav?” And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I think a person should always question their own intentions. Why exactly do you want to be like your friends? I mean, besides the fact that they’re your friends and you probably think they’re awesome (hearts and sheit yeo). But could it be you want to be like them because maybe…possibly…you don’t want to be you? I know seems kind of farfetched, but the main idea I am trying to set out here is that external confidence can only take you so far. You can only buy so many new shirts and jeans before your wallet is empty. You can only wear so much makeup before it runs out. And don’t get me wrong; I am not saying that doing all of this (having nice clothes, and wearing makeup) means you’re unconfident. What I am saying is that you need to first have internal confidence before anything, because all the external confidence enhancers will just get boring, and the sense of confidence will never stay. I think once you have that internal confidence adding your own spin to your clothes and external shenanigans is kind of an artistic pursuit…and its fun! But bottom line… people, don’t get caught up in this consumerism and try to buy confidence it will never work.
You know when I think about getting old, I get pretty damn scared. Imagine that… one day you’re going to look in the mirror and you’re going to have to try and look behind all that wrinkled skin and dark bags to try and remember how you were in your youth; alive, flexible, energized, mobile. Maybe the reason why getting old becomes so deterring is because, it reminds us of how fragile humans really are, and how close death is. (AHHHHH!…*runs in circles screaming*) But hey let’s look on the bright side and enjoy what we have! I think for now imma take it as it comes... But enjoying life…well that fills me up with hearts and sheit…Till next time… cheers!
Friday, 10 February 2012
“Defragmenting the Brain”
Horrible memories next to good means the two often commingle.
You wish to remember a nice moment, but get that uneasy tingle.
Pleasant nostalgia ruined by things with wished you could erase.
Forgetting is usually impossible, but brains have a lot of open space.
Simply defragment your brain, store the dark memories to the side,
In the empty unused portions of the mind, you put them to hide.
There they can’t bug you, or infest what you wish to recall,
No more pausing on past regrets, slowing your brain to a crawl.
You’ll live happier not remembering anything that made you sad.
Filled with confidence knowing that you never did anything bad.
While over time that data may leak out, and flashes break through,
Just defragment your brain again, and you’ll never have to be you.
I think the poem speaks for itself. Awesome!...Titled "Defragmenting the Brain"
you can check out "The Daily Doodles" for more art and poems :3
Picture by remichan
Get up and jive.
Is it just me or is this an amazingly catchy song? Makes meee wannaa jiveeeeee........
Reincarnation and souls
Some cool stuff on soul theory? I Thank SOO! Let’s get into this like.. A warm chunk of lava cake............*drool*
So I believe in reincarnation...I think (most likely). And my sister and I were having a very interesting conversation on soul theories... when she told me she had been following this youtuber with some pretty interesting theories on the secrets of the universe (ouuu....ahh...eeeyyay!). She said that the girl brought up this idea of reincarnation and parallel worlds... (yeah I know comes off a little bogus doesn't it?). But a very interesting idea nonetheless. I think her idea was that after we die our energy is transferred to another universe. So technically our "souls", or energies are placed into another world. If you're like me and believe that humans carry their own energies (spiritual energies...this can relate to auras...but we'll get into that later) then I can understand the idea of human energies being transferred to a difference place in time. And thinking about the whole "conservation of energy" idea...well that kind of gets me excited. What? What you’re saying is energy can't be created or destroyed? My jeebies Rav (oh you...*slight flick of the wrist*). This all gets me excited ...but then you're probably sitting there thinking..."oh delusional Rav...there's no such thing as parallel universes *again a flick of the wrist* " And to you (slightly flamboyant-skeptical-dude) I say "OH ISN'T THERE?" It seems like the laws of physics are crumbling under the fingertips of all dem harvard-oxford-genius-types. Our laws of time have been proven wrong! Simple physics have been proven wrong! muaha! "Oh but how?" you ask. Well my friends it seems like the discovery of how neutrinos work has changed how we understand the speed of light... It went something like this...
*in the laboratory* (an extremely dumbed down version of what went down on this epic day)
Science dude 1: "hey man ima chill hur...send dat neutrino shizz to me son, YE"
Science dude 2: "aight...hurr we GOoo"
*shoots neutrino*
Science dude 1: " it...what's the time"
Science dude 2: "OMFG...this just went faster than the speed of light" O_O
Science dude 1: "You stupid, for realzz...tha sheitz not possible homie"
Science dude 2: " MoFO come hurrr"
And that my friends...was the day that these oh-so-educated scientists found out that neutrinos break our very notion of time into teensy weensy pieces. Basically when timing the transmission of neutrinos it was found that they moved faster than the speed of light. They retested this several times to rule out human error...and it wasn't human error...well in at least one way.
I quote:
“The finding that neutrinos might break one of the most fundamental laws of physics sent scientists into a frenzy when it was first reported in September. Not only because it appeared to go against Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity but, if correct, the finding opened up the troubling possibility of being able to send information back in time, blurring the line between past and present and wreaking havoc with the fundamental principle of cause and effect.”
You can check out the whole article here:
Anyway the point I'm trying to make here, is that we don't know! Fundamental ideas we believed to be true proved wrong, how much do we really know about our universe? Mankind doesn't know as much as it asserts that it knows. It’s like that arrogant confident dude that actually doesn’t really know what the hells he's doing but because he's so confident no one questions him because he looks like he knows what he's doing...when really manz just a dumbo...(yeah I said dumbo). Okay well I think the scientific community deserves more recondition than that. Science has taken us far, and I think I believe in science more than anything else.. But this just proves that science has way far to go... and I can't wait to see it unravel.
On the topic of the neutrinos, right now, scientists are experimenting with sending neutrino messages to their past selves. So we are essentially experimenting with time travel. Wow!
(If you agree, even slightly, or disagree...leave a comment! I'd like to know other people's views!)
I'm a huge science buff. I think everything can be explained through science... and I might be getting a little controversial here by saying not really my thang. BUT I think spirituality, which a lot of people think apart from science, can actually be explained through science. We just haven't figured out how yet... O_o (darn). I think that living creatures in general have their own energies, call it their souls? (I'd rather not, at least not in the traditional way) I would call it something in our brains. Maybe our souls are in our brains? ...Could it possibly be the mind? I think that so much of the human brain and the universe is not understood, perhaps the two are intertwined?
So what about the cosmos? Horoscopes? Another thing kept far away from science. There is much debate whether astrology is a pseudoscience or not. So far I think science has won in keeping astrology far from being considered a science. It seems like a scam sometimes doesn't it? I think if you're looking at that daily forecast sheit then yes, it’s a scam. But when you look at intricate astrological lay outs of how planets are aligned and their motions relative to one another at the very time a human is born...I think they all come to play a part in influencing our human energies which then determining a person's genetics...and so their personality as a result. I think the alignments and planet arrangements have some connection to our human energies. Now I know this sounds really all-over-the-place but it's only because I'm getting so excited that my fingers are having trouble keeping up.
Anyway what I am saying is that intricate astrology might have some influence on this "human energy" I have so miserably failed to identify, maybe because I myself…don’t really know what I am referring to. I think I’m talking about the psychic part of humans, the altered state of consciousness that we don’t know and haven’t explored. That side of humans that is a combination of our souls and our essence…(but not a traditional idea of soul…a more cognitive one). I know I am being awfully vague but the more I figure out this theory the more clear I’ll get. I know the ideas I came up with seem pretty damn fatalistic don’t they?
Planets àinfluence your energy à influence your geneticsà influence your personality and all of which can be explained through science I say? And let’s not even get into external and prenatal factors contributing to who you become. It seems like in my eyes…there’s no choice? Maybe there is…after we are left to our own devices on earth? But then what’s the point of this? Maybe there is an ultimate end to a giant plan of the universe we just…don’t know. So the skeptic says “Well how do you suppose one can prove that huh?”...Yeah…I really have no idea.
But one day science will figure out its connection to the mind and the cosmos… one dayyyy!!! And if not…I intend to research this one day. If I ever become a neuropsychologist….. (yeah well see how that goes *cough*)
But I must say there’s nothing cooler then the idea of possibility. That just fills me with hearts. More than the cosmos does… like lots of hearts and sheit. Soldier rav signing off…
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Reciprocal Determinism
They suck the life out of you and cause sleepless nights. There’s more caffeine in your blood than there is blood… and when they finally leave you…they give you no sense of peace.
Can you guess what I’m talking about………
EXAMS! x__x …
My blog urges have been building up, so I’ve decided to use procrastination time in a somewhat constructive manner.
Anyways… beautiful digital painting …by Vol-chan called “Peach Boy”
When I looked at this painting the first thing that came to mind (besides “someone gimmie a peach!”) was the different sides of the “self” that people reveal to one another...hmm let’s get into this like a damn good slice of chocolate cake………
So it seems pretty obvious that in society good looking people are treated in a somewhat nicer way than unattractive people. It seems like the better looking individuals go through life thinking that people in general aren’t that bad, while the unattractive people might find others a little apathetic (this is obviously a huge generalization…). The point I am making is not that pretty people have it easy. What I am saying is this: that their external looks affect their external environment. We can say this about anyone. But what if we extend this past the physical looks and think about personality. Quite obviously ones personality affects their external world, but not just in the subjective way that they view it. Also in the way that they treat others and thus how others treat them which ultimately determines their own environment. We might also take it even further and think about the genetics that underlie personality and the basic temperaments, like: sociability, extroversion/introversion, emotionality, empathy and activity preference. Because of my horrid English I never feel like I get my point across effectively so here’s an example:
A mother who would normally be a relaxed and caring parent has a child with massive anger problems. So she would most likely bring up this child accordingly. She would probably be stricter and maybe even get quite angry herself. The way she acts becomes the environment in which the child is brought up. What’s interesting is the child then responds back to that specific environment, which when you think about, he created without even knowing. (oh ma gawd!)
So I was reading about this in one of my developmental psychology textbooks and it’s a phenomenon
called reciprocal determinism. Pretty cool if I may say so myself… So it seems like a simple concept but when you think about it you create your own environment without even knowing. So my question is this: how different is my world from yours? If people’s environments are ultimately a product of their own personalities then people are living in a world that they create and influence. I know super self-centered idea right…but think about it, it’s so true. You live in your own head for God’s sake…humans are self centered.
So cool, interesting idea…and it gets slightly complex when you take note of the fact that other people are influencing their own environment as well …so what happens when two people who are simultaneously making their own environment meet up? (which is basically anyone you talk to) You feed off of each other. Do you ever meet someone and act slightly more reserved than you actually are, or maybe you’re louder, more confident?
I think as people, we are constantly trying to “read” others…trying to figure out who they are so you can see if they’re “you’re kind of person”. Everyone does it …seems kind of like a defence mechanism. But what I find interesting is how two people change and adjust according to one another.
Person A influences person B to act more reserved.
Person B notices person A seems judgmental so he acts more reserved.
Person A’s all like… “dude he’s so boring”… little does person A know that his judging caused person B to feel like he shouldn’t speak as much in fear of being judged himself.
Person B is then all like… (all like totally…) …sorry. *cough*
Person B’s quiet behaviour influences person A to stop busting out certain jokes (that we all know are terrible)
Person B’s like…jez person A “has no energy…he sucks the life outta me”
Then the two realize they don’t jive with each other… *awkward stare*
Anyways … interesting how people act different according to which side is brought out in them and all from mixed environments of the two that they create for themselves. And what’s even cooler is the fact that the environments they make for themselves growing up constitutes the experiences they go through and becomes the rout for their personal development and growth…you’re the root of your..own roots O_o….ummm well certainly does make me wonder…what side I bring out in people…hopefully a side where they feel like they can be themselves…<3 I hope I bring out the hearts and sheit…