Saturday, 28 April 2012

Facebook and Human Identity

A little while ago I was on York University’s website, when I noticed an advertisement for an article written by psychology students who had done a research study on personality and facebook. Interestingly enough the article was talking about how there is a high correlation between narcissism and facebook (makes sense… but just feels better when the science kids have stats to prove it!). It talked about how it was found that those who photoshoped their profile pictures were more likely to have narcissistic tendencies (once again… Duh… lol). But what I found quite interesting is this idea of creating an identity that either feeds an already narcissistic personality or aids in adding a little confidence to an unsure one.

Photos of you and your friends, an actual list of the number of friends you have, profile pictures, self-descriptions, wall posts, “likes”, and even what you choose to post on someone else’s wall. All these things are watched by your “friends” on facebook (interestingly enough the list of people you have on facebook are all called “friends” but… my oh my… I have seen that this label cannot be called accurate). But all the things I listed above can easily be sculpted into what a person wants to display. Basically what I am saying here is the social networking powerhouse we like to call facebook is an attempt for human beings to try to create a meaningful identity. People either create this identity for themselves, or for others to see. But what’s the point in creating an identity? To me, seems like everything we do… is usually done to add some kind of purpose to what can seem like an empty existence. So we create this identity to convey who we are or might want to be. We all have that friend on facebook with something like… 600 friends and bajillions of photoshopped pictures of themselves. So my question is why? And my answer is identity.

A person’s self-concept has a huge role to play in this. Identity is linked to your self-concept and your identity needs the base of confidence in order to be functional. By self-concept I am referring to the understanding of who you are and having confidence in this identity. A healthy self-concept is usually created and solidified by the age of 22-65. Before and after this age rang is usually linked to self-esteem issues (oh joy). RANDOM THOUGHT: Is it just me or has anyone else noticed elderly people become so damn emo when they get old. “Well… I’ve only got a few more years to go…” “It’s okay, I won’t be here long” etc. etc. JEBUS oldie getcho self together! At such an old ripe age they should be enjoying life and spreading their knowledge like friggen peanut butter, not sitting in a room talking about how they’re going to die tomorrow at their grandchild’s 2nd birthday party (thank you… just thanks. What a great way to create a joyous atmosphere). When I turn into wrinkly-white-haired-saggy-boobed-Rav I know imna be rockin my one piece on a beach somewhere in mexico, drinking my pina colada and eating my fresh cheesecake. I will never be an emo oldie. Tis a promise to myself, tis a promise to the world.

Anyways… back on topic. Facebook seems to help people create their own identity to add meaning to their lives. This is quite an obvious idea, but interesting nonetheless. So from this we could ask how technology affects identity. By creating identities of ourselves, are we able to better understand who we really are? Or are we just becoming more lost? I’m afraid… I haven’t the slightest idea.  In some ways it seems like technology individualizes humans. In other ways it seems like it’s creating a group of unaware… confused retards. Perhaps it’s a mix…

I find it quite interesting how people find things that might add meaning to their lives and latch on to it. I read a quote once that went something like this:

                “Your birth is a mistake you’ll spend your whole life trying to correct.” –Chuck Palahniuk

Interesting thought… and very true.  I feel like people latch on to things that aid in giving their life importance. They help to “correct” this idea of an empty existence that really isn’t their fault at all. In order to understand the meaning of your existence you first start with who you are, and it seems only natural that people would latch on to facebook so passionately.

Okay I know I am making humans sound so sad and… confused. As stretched out as this idea this might sound like (facebook and the meaning of life O_O)… it definitely does have some truth.

So what about loneliness? Are we more connected to people through facebook or are we just more reassured of our loneliness? The interesting thing is… (I admit this included me when I was in grade 11ish) I have talked to a bunch of people and they have agreed that facebook can be damn depressing at times. You have all these people on there like “Look at me! Look at what I did last night! Aren’t we crazy fun!” written all over their profile pictures. And then you can’t stop your face from meshing into that “forever alone” meme (bum chin and all). Now it seems like facebook has no effect on me besides the terribly unflattering twitchy-eyed shots that I get tagged in, but I admit… at one point it did (confessions). Perhaps facebook has the ability to keep us connected to those we choose to stay connected with. But it also has the ability to remind us of the world outside our lives that we are not included in.  

Overall seems like technology really raises some interesting questions. Does it help us form an identity or cause us to create a fake one, and loose ourselves in the process? Does facebook connect us to people or make us more aware of how disconnected we really are? Baffling indeed… but besides all of this… Mark Zuckenburg… Rav is proud of thee.

And genius ideas like facebook… well that makes me feel hearts&sheit son.


Sunday, 22 April 2012


Ninja Lisa?

To me this is the real version of the Mona Lisa man... I don't care what you say... SHE WAS A NINJA! *runs away screaming and arms flailing*


So it seems I’m having some trouble sleeping. Its 4 a.m. and I just can’t turn off my brain. So Rav figured 
hey! Why not just bloggity blog blog since it’s… been a while </3  

Lately what seems to have been on my mind is this thing we “success”. The whole idea of success is supposed to revolve around accomplishment your ultimate goal… which for many is usually career stability. And what’s behind that goal? Most likely money. And behind that, hidden amongst all the clutter of incompetencies and self-esteem is this common human desire—to be happy. Seems like people shuffle around and get to the “money” stage and don’t seem to progress past it, or rather, even feel any different after it. People sit there dreaming about what a comfortable life they’ll have after their goals have been achieved, but what happens after?  Is it just me, or do people never really know what they want? They go about achieving all their goals and still end up feeling unsatisfied and empty. But it’s not necessarily accomplishment of your goals that will bring you happiness, contrary to what a lot of people think. For some it might be the pursuit towards their goals, for others, maybe happiness for someone they love. But my main point here is people get lost in the clutter of the word “success” and forget its ultimate meaning. It’s the rout you take for happiness not for the automatic creation of it. Anticipation of automatic happiness after an empty goal is achieved might not lead to happiness at all.  Of course this is a generalized idea I stand by this for a certain set of situations… Say for example a man sets a long-term goal of becoming a CEO of a company. Five years later he gets the job position he had been waiting for. He sits there feeling the arm rests of his leather chair and looking at the unique design of his new sheik cabin. He might feel a bit of relief after he gets the position, but after about a year, how does he feel now? Probably the same way he did 6 years ago. And when I mean the same way 6 years ago I am not implying he didn’t change at all… I am just highlighting his emotional state; he’ll feel the same internally. And what now, probably another long term goal to set and achieve. Mmm Sounds like a cycle.  

Maybe goals are essential to help people get through life though. They add meaning to what can seem like (sometimes) a pointless existence. I am not saying they are bad… but for people who seem to think that their life will become amazingly different and that they will have found happiness for the rest of their lives upon completion of a goal… in my opinion, are a little too idealistic. And I know what you’re probably thinking… “Rav! Who thinks like that man? Sounds like what a child would say.” Well dearest friend of mine to you I say… that you would be surprised how many people have this kind of thinking (once you break down their long term goals and ideas). You see I have found, many people hold this secret belief of a changed world once they achieve a goal… but they lather it up all nice with jewels and decorations so you don’t notice… *squintey eyes* AW SHEIT ISA CONSPIRACY… okay no. But I have met quite the bunch that thinks this and I always… just get so confuzled. *tear*

Anyways, this seems like a very generalized and slightly one-sided post… let’s leave this out for those that view success in this way (you all know who you are *squints*). I am not saying success or goals will never lead to happiness, I think what I’m just trying to say here is there might always be more to what seems like a simple motive. I think maybe people just shouldn’t get caught up in the clutter of wanting to complete something for success; they should want to complete it for happiness. Success and happiness are not synonymous, we can think of success as the road and happiness, the destination. When you want something you should always ask yourself why. If the end goal is happiness try it out… see how it goes.

Well that… it just fill me up with… hearts and sheit

~YE YEE!! <3 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Some Toronto street art :)

I walked around Toronto and snapped a few shots of some beautifuliaa art work to share :3

Next time your downtown keep your eyes open, you'll probably see quite a few of these :)
makes me feel ....
Hearts&Sheit XD <3