Saturday 5 January 2013

Just a little Art...

I haven't been blogging as regularly as usual *sigh* but I've been faithful! I swear, you've been in my thoughts litto bloggity... I simple haven't had the time to directly connect with you. *sniffles* I thought I'd just post some nice art.. so you don't feel alone. I is here litto bloggity... right here.

Sadly I don't know the artist of this AMAZING work. But whoever you are... If I ever meet you, I want to kiss your hands, and pinch your buttox.. (<--? why not...) O_o

Awesome wicked beautiful watercolour by Liu Yunsheng 

Love his colour use and style. Works by Benjamin Zhang 

Some cool street art! 

Sunday 16 September 2012


An amazing work directed by Andrew Thomas Huang

It's amazing how art can take you into a world of its own. When I first watched this I thought it was awesome... Blew litto Rav away matey! Maybe one day ill be able to pursue my secret dream of becoming a director (perhaps one day *sniff*).

What I got from this piece:
You can only truly know yourself through your own mind. Perhaps actualizing what you are through another will never prove successful, because you cannot understand the other. Interesting how in the end all the creatures that attempted to combine with another, couldn't... and there was a giant explosion. Its just sayin,  "hai, yeah, hi bud... that's not going to work out". O__o

Well this is an awesome work of art that I just wanted to share with you guys. :) Cheers till next time eat lossaa goodies and be happy :')


Thursday 13 September 2012

Life Goes By Fast Doesn't It?

A beautiful photograph that I got off of the Blog of Franscesco Mugnai

Time really does fly... It's interesting that we all know every single human being holds the same burden of death as we do, yet we think people are too different from us. We procrastinate in life, by putting off what our intuition tells us to do, then look back at our lives and realize we wasted it on caring for things that didn't matter and people who didn't matter. My worst fear is looking back at my life when I'm old and ripe... and thinking about things that could have been...

Sunday 9 September 2012

Oh hai, it's just another day...

Finally off work! *sigh* I had quite an odd day today… A customer got pissed at me for making a mistake with his points redemption (-__-) and after much experimentation with the cash till thingy I just gave the dude a 10 dollar gift card… He freaked out and said I wasted his points because a gift card takes more points than getting individual items. So at this point I could not care less… -___- I gave the dude his card and blankly stared at him. Damn tourists… But the question is and will always remain for me… why can’t people control their damn emotions. Chill man they’re “points”. The dude was getting all worked up like he just lost 25 trillion dollars or something. Jezz calm down.  

                After my morning epic fail I sat down to peacefully drink some coffee with mama Sehmbi. But Ohh no, that’s too much to ask from the universe… As I took what seemed like my third sip of deliciousness, I somehow tipped the cup and spilled it all over the table, my seat and my mom, thankfully it wasn’t hot but common man, what’s wrong with you Rav!? So I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned up evidence of my oh-so-graceful nature.

                So I clean up the mess and sit down on my seat. The store was empty so I decided to sort some magazine that newly came in. I pick up the first and I realized the top covers of some had scratches on them and I started to feel the top… (I don’t know why, I just did it… don’t you ever touch scratches? It’s just natural). You know when you don’t notice something but when you look at it you notice it? Yeah that kinda happened, so I didn’t look at the magazine cover but when I paid attention to what was on the cover it ended up being some weird sexual adult magazine (we usually send those back to the magazine companies) and a man walked in from the side door only to see me touching the top of this magazine… the man commented “Ouhh so you having fun?” JESUS… just my luck… no, no I am not having fun. I looked like I was caressing the damn buttox of an erotically positioned female. Fantastic… just great. 

                So I finish up with the magazines and decided to grab a Dr. Pepper cherry, so if you know me you know I love Dr. Pepper… but I also love cherry coke… so when you mix them… it’s like heavenly. So anyways I grabbed this beverage from heaven and sat down. I saw some people about to come into the store so I opened the drink and chugged a bit (not a good idea… the bubbles… burpies.. oh jebus help me). So these people approach the cash to pay and I’m silently burping to myself hoping they don’t hear me… the last thing a person needs is the cashier burping in their face. By sheer force of habit I always say “excuse me” after a litto burpie… So as I was quietly (ninja styles) burping to myself I meant to say to a customer “thank you, have a good day” and ended up saying “Excuse you, have a good day” the man looked at me confused and maybe even slightly offended as I smiled and handed him his receipt. He took his receipt and walked out staring at me still and looking confused. So I got confused… then I realized what I said -___- But still I mean what’s the big deal… why did he get so confuzzled?

                For some reason today I kept dropping peoples change everywhere. I mean why pass a customer their change when you can just throw it at them right? No Rav, that’s not the way it works. Apparently I need to brush up on my basic motor skills.

 I was also especially slow today. I thought someone pumped gas and drove away. Only to realized I already cashed them out before, and was looking at someone else’s due amount. So that moment of panic when I think I had a drive-off… twas in vein….

So anyways… I had an odd day today. You know, its one of those days where you keep messing up on everything you attempt. I was so graceful today… truly (that was sarcasm…) After making stupid mistakes and spilling/dropping everything throughout the day I sat down to do some paper work and organize some bills. I ended up taking a miniature nap and I think I dreamt about samurais O_o. I realized that I’ve just been heavily sleep deprived and I feel like I can accurately attribute today’s consecutive failures and misunderstandings to that. Makes me realize how much I don’t want classes to begin again… gah. Sleep deprivation, exams, assignments, due dates, more coffee in your blood stream then blood O_O (ah yes, let the good times roll).  

But hey it’s just another day. -___-
Till next time lovers, tis Rav signing off!

Hearts&sheit… try to get some sleep… :’)