Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Men vs. Women
So is there really any difference between men and women? In all honesty I don't really think there is but it seems like men and women are the ones who create categories for themselves.
Just yesterday I was sitting with a few friends. One guy in the group remarked that he thought there were too many metrosexual men emerging, too many male products like lotions and special shampoos. To him it was all pointless because this stuff is for women. To me there's nothing wrong with a guy that likes to take care of himself, in fact dudes little tip: girls like guys that take care of shows you can actually do things for others... (your helping our eyes, they wont bleed as much). If you have a unibrow... wax it my friend, taking care of that is not gay, its not even metrosexual. Its just immoral to keep that caterilar on your forehead (if you think it'll trun into a butterfly I am sorry friend you are mistaken...that the kinda stain that dont wash out son). But what's wrong with a guy that likes to take care of himself? I still don't get it. For me I think what ever makes you happy and gives you that confidence stick with it. A guy likes to do his hair in the morning...awesome! He likes to use a special shampoo because it smells nice...Great!
So to me this friend has just created false ideas about each gender. What males should and should not do and what females should and should not do. Does it really matter? I think the world needs to relax about a lot of things and this is one of the main topics. Why cant people just live and let live? So many categories, rules, images to keep up, it gets tiresome. So males should look "strong". Males should be sexual. Males should be dominant. Males are aggressive. Gentlemen did you enjoy that? You just ended up sounding like the great apes from the animal planet... classy. Now you do meet the occasional person to whom its not about gender, its about the individual person, about their character to to them I say... "I've been waiting for you... *strokes arm* But jokes aside society needs to focus much more on who the person is rather than what the person is.
And is it just me or are some girls slightly more open about certain things than a group of guys would be. So if a guy said something like "Yes I agree, he is good looking" in a group of girls I don't think the girls would think much of it. Now compare this if it was said in a group of guys... he is obviously, to them, GAY (of course! how did I never notice.. -__-). I hear a lot of guys saying that women can check out other women and its not weird but men cant check out other men! Really? Men can't? Who's stopping you? Oh of course its the rules you've created for yourself about gender. Well maybe if you say it with some confidence and hang with a group of friends that are a little more open minded you wont have a problem.
When your sitting with your friends do you notice their gender? Do you act differently according to their gender? If you think you do... ask yourself why. I am the same person whether I am with my girlfriends or another group of friends. I tell the same kind of stories and have the same kind of humour. Certainly there is of course the odd event I would tell my female friends something that I wouldn't share with a guy (like tips on hair or something). But I've noticed people change the moment they step into another social circle with a different gender. With men meeting with their male friends I have noticed more assertiveness, openness to sexuality and ritualistic handshakes (you all know those handshakes...we so flyyyy). You know someone one-on-one and their amazing, and then they step aside to their other group of friends and you hear them talking like they're one of the mafia's most wanted hit-men. So why do some guys change when their with a different group of friends? And which one is the real one? Which person they display is the person that is most like them? And so are they just acting a certain way because they are looking for approval from you or others? Only including half the things that actually come to mind when having a conversation? Jez humans are so complex. One of the most perplexing things about people is their inconsistency, make it consistent people.
For women sometimes it feels like they up their "helplessness" when surrounded by males. Ever meet that girl that seems pretty cool one-to-one and looks like the type that can take care of herself no problem. Suddenly your in a group with a few more males and she's acting like princess peach from Mario looking for her savior because well... she didn't dress appropriately for the weather... (I am so cold.. I need a jacket... oh someone please save me. I am just a helpless female with no rationalizing abilities! I'm retarded can't you tell?!). "Oh these bags are soooooo heavy" getchoo self sorted out woman! Act like you would if you were with any other person!
Back to this friend... one thing that bugged me was he refused to shake my hand when saying our goodbyes. He turned around and shook hands with his male friend and then turned to give me a hug. So I asked about my handshake... "were's my handshake?! I don't get a cool handshake?" He shrugged and said... "uhh... I don't know your female..?" In my head I was trying to figure out exactly why a hug is associated with a female. Me, personally, not being too much of a "hugging type" I prefer my hellos and goodbyes a simple high five or a "see ya" wave (unless I think your awesome in which case I think two hugs a day are a recommended dosage). After I asked about the handshake I stuck out my hand, but he didn't shake if he did he was going to spontaneously combust or something. In my head... I was kind of disappointed. Gahh... guess its just anther person consumed by these false rules...They're all in your head!
To me men and women create their own categories in their heads and then from that emerges their opinions and ideals about the opposite gender. Then the confusion about the opposite gender kicks in (oh joy!). "women are so complex!" or "men don't make sense". If you just be you, you don't have to follow these stupid rules about gender, takes a load off your shoulders. Stop trying to be and just beeee!
That's a topic that doesn't really fill me up with hearts but I salute that odd individual that can see past the hormones and genitalia!
~to that free spirit, hearts and sheit!
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