Monday, 16 January 2012
Sweet and Simple
If everyone took care of each other... we wouldn't have to take care of ourselves... XD <3
Seems like a cheesy idea, but nothing can be more true. Is it really that hard to be nice? For all the people who wake up in the morning with the intention of hurting someone, wtf bro? You my friend, need something better to do. It may just be your own insecurities getting the best of you...control it! What I think is the most interesting part of this is that people think they understand themselves when really, manz dont know why he be acting like an ass. There's a reason for everything someone does, no action is pointless. So to the man acting an' ass (the double A...) I say.. gettcho sheit sorted out son!
I've met some people in my life, whose negativity astounds me. I read a quote once... It went something like "we either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."
Its the same with positivity and negativity, take your can either waste your energy in making the world you live in more shittier or you can make it a little bit more filled with hearts... I personally go for the hearts. <3
~hearts and sheit. ye yee
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