Friday, 27 January 2012

Unfortunately My pet peeves aren't as cute...
  • Not switching milk bags when one runs out (GAH!..I want cereal so bad right now!)
  • Left over writing from a poorly erased chalk board (damn it if your going to wipe it just clean it all! *twitch*)
  • People who sit beside you on the bus and breath your share of oxygen...even when there's a shit load of spaces elsewhere (FRIG MAN)
  • Students in your class that keep asking questions and wont let you leave! ...(dude...I don't care about hydroponics let me leave...please.)
  • People who chew VERY loud...(little munching here and there is fine...but when I cant hear what I'm saying there's a problem)
  • When you're getting late and you cant find your other shoe... (Damn it)
  • Peeps who stillz b talkin like dis bcuz they dun noe dat sheit dun fly in UNI! (-___-)
  • People who blame you for when they're being stupid.... (you all know who you are)
  • When distressed people ask for advice and then do the complete opposite of what you said... (why you ask then mayne? why you ask?)
  • When you forget your towel outside of the bathroom and you need to venture out naked and get it... (''s just so damn cold out there)
  • When people say "MALK" instead of "MILK" (remember from kindergarden...please, just remember)
  • Websites that have horizontal scrolling... (frig man you making me click? Are you really making me click?) 
  • When you take a picture and think it turned out like friggen Megan Fox and it really looks like deformed Megan Fox with a case of the twitchies and dash of down syndrome...   
  • Wonky wheels on shopping carts (so instead of heading to aisle eight you end up in the frozen food section knocking over half the items while you struggle to your destination)

.... The special moments that make you go "ARGHH"

Doesn't it just fill you up with hearts?

Subjectivity of thought

I know I've mentioned the whole "uniqueness of how you view the world" thing before, but this time what I find interesting is how the experiences people go through shape their view of the world, or rather lack of experiences. With my deadmou5 pumped up and about an hour till my next class I'm damn excited to blog... 

So I mentioned before that everyone has this unique "thing" in their heads and that little guy sitting in your head lets you see the world through your own is wholly and completely your own world. It sounds so simple..."wholly and completely your own world" but its complexities astound me (a lot....I-I just don't know where to start). I know you think the world you see is the world that's external from you but is it really that simple? The world you see is pretty much a construction of your mind (yeah...sensation and perception goodies...but I don't just mean it in terms of biology) I also mean it in terms of an individual’s thought processes, motives and intentions. 

So this summer I came to the realization that people are very different... (I know I am such a friggen genius right?) But not just in personality but attached to that is their view of the world. The motives behind what I do are completely different form other peoples... (another.. DUHhhh moment right?). But it’s just an interesting concept with a simple idea. 

So I worked with this crazy psychopathic freak this summer (here's your introduction, cue music). The dude was a complete douche. William, if your reading're an asshole.. (this calls for a happy face! :D). I don't think I have ever met anyone so stuck in their own head. But this extreme state of being "stuck in his own head" made me realize the uniqueness of human motivation. Motivations seem to be caused by a bunch of things, but what I'm interested in is defiantly the emotional aspects. For instance, this guy I worked with seemed to have these intense views of the world and from what I have derived they were all fuelled by his competitive nature and insecurities (but I won’t ever really know *sigh*). But in turn it seemed like he thought I was just as competitive as he was and he constantly tried things that ...just ended up confusing me. For example he tried to show me how great he was at what he did by putting down what I did and explaining that his way is ultimately better. I am open to taking suggestions but in my opinion, respect is a must. But it wasn't even that he simply stated what he did was better... it was like he was trying to instigate me into saying something (this is the part where I would get confused) Till this day...I really don't know what he wanted to hear…if I knew life would have been easier and I could have just said it. -__- jez… people are so complex.

So the point that I'm trying to get at here is that when we are in our own heads we assume the world thinks like us. Since everyone is technically in their own head (with varying degrees of course, some people being more aware then others) we end up thinking people have the same motives. At least I know I end up thinking this a lot. When I was young my mom always said that "only a lire suspects their loved ones lie to them". When you think about is really just in your head and your views of others are a simple reflection of what and how you think. That's probably why I stay weary of people that constantly think someone is conspiring against them... assuming intentions is really the worst thing a person can do because the truth is... we really have no frikken idea.

Look at children for example, I think we have a rough idea of the complexities behind a 6 year olds inner workings. Have you noticed some of these kids view another child in the same way that they, quite obviously, think. To me the first thing that comes to mind when I think of children is innocence. Kids remain, to a certain extent, uncorrupted by society’s freakish nature (I think the more I grew, the more disappointed I became…as sad as that sounds). But the main thing I’m throwing at you here is that their righteous view of the world is because of their own point of view, that is, one of innocence. To further illustrate this somewhat ambiguous idea with my terrible English imnaa hitchyouu with an example. My cousin, now 6 …or 7, quite honestly I think I lost count after her 3rd birthday, also has an innocent way of viewing the world. I am going to sound uber evil…but have you ever tried telling a kid some really messed up scary story…just to see how they’ll react? (you know you’ve done this at one point or another…) But I mean…have you noticed their reactions?

Rav: “Well Celina, the monster then shot the little girl…and she died. Remember that friend of the girl, who she thought was her bestfriend?…yeah she left her there to die and ran…”

Celina: “wh…why?” *big hopeful eyes*

Rav: “because her friend was EVIL!…”

Celina: “I think her friend was just running to get help”

Rav *thinks*: “GAh…I surrender to thy innocence!”

(this may or may not be a slight exaggeration of what really happened)

The point of this is that…she didn’t assume evil intentions because she didn’t think that way herself…that truly fills me up with hearts…

This post is getting very long but I just need to mention the importance of experience in motivation that is pushed by emotion. What I mean by this is that when there is an emotional basis for something (for example an insecurity) you are more likely to notice certain aspects of that situation that pull at these emotional strings and thus add to your experience in how you view the world. That certain event may not mean the same thing as it would for another who does not share that insecurity or emotion. For example, there was a woman with albinism on the Tyra show once (where the heck did that show go anyways?). This woman was extremely sensitive about her disorder and so viewed the world in accordance to her insecurity. She said that in society “only dark skinned brunets are considered beautiful”. All I could think was… “lady have you heard of racism?”. Tyra remarked that usually the blue-eyed blonds were the ones that were idealized in society, but it’s interesting how you can view the world so differently. So it was a simple insecurity that changed how that woman viewed the world. To her this was the truth: that light skin is not valued (which is understandable considering her emotions on the topic) but this just shows (in an extreme example) the subjectivity of how we all perceive the world…

To end off I guess alls I can say is it seems like who we are on the inside is reflected in how we see the world and its people. And the emotions we hold on the inside fuel the importance of our experiences, which all contribute to the damn skippitty dippy subjective view of the world.   

I just want to say…I know someday I will get inside someone else’s head and explore it…like fowshizzle.

And that ladies and gentlemen…fills me up with mad hearts and sheit!


Make it dumb-proof

LOL ..Didn't we learn in our grade 7 science labs to make everything dumb-proof...


A beautiful painting titled "Lost" by Keita Morimoto (you can follow his latest works on his website:

Men vs. Women

So is there really any difference between men and women? In all honesty I don't really think there is but it seems like men and women are the ones who create categories for themselves.

Just yesterday I was sitting with a few friends. One guy in the group remarked that he thought there were too many metrosexual men emerging, too many male products like lotions and special shampoos. To him it was all pointless because this stuff is for women. To me there's nothing wrong with a guy that likes to take care of himself, in fact dudes little tip: girls like guys that take care of shows you can actually do things for others... (your helping our eyes, they wont bleed as much). If you have a unibrow... wax it my friend, taking care of that is not gay, its not even metrosexual. Its just immoral to keep that caterilar on your forehead (if you think it'll trun into a butterfly I am sorry friend you are mistaken...that the kinda stain that dont wash out son). But what's wrong with a guy that likes to take care of himself? I still don't get it. For me I think what ever makes you happy and gives you that confidence stick with it. A guy likes to do his hair in the morning...awesome! He likes to use a special shampoo because it smells nice...Great!

So to me this friend has just created false ideas about each gender. What males should and should not do and what females should and should not do. Does it really matter? I think the world needs to relax about a lot of things and this is one of the main topics. Why cant people just live and let live? So many categories, rules, images to keep up, it gets tiresome. So males should look "strong". Males should be sexual. Males should be dominant. Males are aggressive. Gentlemen did you enjoy that? You just ended up sounding like the great apes from the animal planet... classy. Now you do meet the occasional person to whom its not about gender, its about the individual person, about their character to to them I say... "I've been waiting for you... *strokes arm* But jokes aside society needs to focus much more on who the person is rather than what the person is.

And is it just me or are some girls slightly more open about certain things than a group of guys would be. So if a guy said something like "Yes I agree, he is good looking" in a group of girls I don't think the girls would think much of it. Now compare this if it was said in a group of guys... he is obviously, to them, GAY (of course! how did I never notice.. -__-). I hear a lot of guys saying that women can check out other women and its not weird but men cant check out other men! Really? Men can't? Who's stopping you? Oh of course its the rules you've created for yourself about gender. Well maybe if you say it with some confidence and hang with a group of friends that are a little more open minded you wont have a problem.

When your sitting with your friends do you notice their gender? Do you act differently according to their gender? If you think you do... ask yourself why. I am the same person whether I am with my girlfriends or another group of friends. I tell the same kind of stories and have the same kind of humour. Certainly there is of course the odd event I would tell my female friends something that I wouldn't share with a guy (like tips on hair  or something). But I've noticed people change the moment they step into another social circle with a different gender. With men meeting with their male friends I have noticed more assertiveness, openness to sexuality and ritualistic handshakes (you all know those handshakes...we so flyyyy). You know someone one-on-one and their amazing, and then they step aside to their other group of friends and you hear them talking like they're one of the mafia's most wanted hit-men. So why do some guys change when their with a different group of friends? And which one is the real one? Which person they display is the person that is most like them? And so are they just acting a certain way because they are looking for approval from you or others? Only including half the things that actually come to mind when having a conversation? Jez humans are so complex. One of the most perplexing things about people is their inconsistency, make it consistent people.

For women sometimes it feels like they up their "helplessness" when surrounded by males. Ever meet that girl that seems pretty cool one-to-one and looks like the type that can take care of herself no problem. Suddenly your in a group with a few more males and she's acting like princess peach from Mario looking for her savior  because well... she didn't dress appropriately for the weather... (I am so cold.. I need a jacket... oh someone please save me. I am just a helpless female with no rationalizing abilities! I'm retarded can't you tell?!). "Oh these bags are soooooo heavy" getchoo self sorted out woman! Act like you would if you were with any other person!

Back to this friend... one thing that bugged me was he refused to shake my hand when saying our goodbyes. He turned around and shook hands with his male friend and then turned to give me a hug. So I asked about my handshake... "were's my handshake?! I don't get a cool handshake?" He shrugged and said... "uhh... I don't know your female..?" In my head I was trying to figure out exactly why a hug is associated with a female. Me, personally, not being too much of a "hugging type" I prefer my hellos and goodbyes a simple high five or a "see ya" wave (unless I think your awesome in which case I think two hugs a day are a recommended dosage). After I asked about the handshake I stuck out my hand, but he didn't shake if he did he was going to spontaneously combust or something. In my head... I was kind of disappointed. Gahh... guess its just anther person consumed by these false rules...They're all in your head!

To me men and women create their own categories in their heads and then from that emerges their opinions and ideals about the opposite gender. Then the confusion about the opposite gender kicks in (oh joy!). "women are so complex!" or "men don't make sense". If you just be you, you don't have to follow these stupid rules about gender, takes a load off your shoulders. Stop trying to be and just beeee!

That's a topic that doesn't really fill me up with hearts but I salute that odd individual that can see past the hormones and genitalia!

~to that free spirit, hearts and sheit!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Hands and your motive

The people that know me know the importance of hands to me. They're more than just another part of your body they are a map of who you are and what you were. I don't know when I started thinking this or why but it has become such an important part of how I see people. No hands have ever looked ugly to me before but there have been a few that intrigue me. They make me think "what's the story behind those?" 

So what is the story behind someone? Can you ever really find out? To find out who they are now from what they were before is almost (dare I say it)...impossible. 

When I was about 5 I used to go crazy asking people how exactly it is that we can walk around, talk to each other, carry ourselves, and essentially live. No one gave me the answer I was looking for. Some said  "its your brain of course, it allows you to do all these things" the more relaxed people said "that's just how it is"  and others that "its GOD!" (right dude...chill out and put your clothes back on). When I grew older I realized that I wasn't asking the right question. What I was really trying to ask is why is it that this thing that lives inside my head can see...why can it look at the world in the way that it does from my own brain only. Yes I realize I sound schizophrenic and that I am being very ambiguous so to illustrate my point try this: Just sit there and feel what it feels like to actually be. (if you have never done this...try it)

 What does it feel like? Kind of like your something looking through these eyes that are attached to this body. Now when I was a child I was fascinated by this. And even more so by the fact that everyone sees from their own eyes in a completely unique way...they are the little "things" sitting in their own head. With that point being made; can you ever really understand a person? Their thoughts, motives and intentions come from this little "thing" and the way that this little "thing" views the world is different from yours because of their past experiences and even genetics. I know I'm bringing up the old case of subjectivity and empiricism (Descartes would be proud..actually no he wouldn't because this is kind of crappy compared to his work...very crappy. Actually Descartes would probably want to crap on this blog...*defaced Rav moves on*) But its just a topic that has always interested me. 

Its the small things! My sister, who is one of the most important people in my life (although I don't ever give her the satisfaction of knowing this) loves the sound of munching... I never knew this, until I randomly asked her what her favourite sound was in which she remarked "munching!... I like the sound of munching!". If you know my sister whenever she has spare time she's munching away at something crunchy, usually popcorn. I would always see her eating popcorn concluding the motive of this behaviour was that it simply tasted good and I was very interested to see that this motive that I thought to be most rational was wrong. Imagine how many other little things people do, that may have a different motive to them, go virtually unnoticed because in your head you have already rationalized the reason for this behaviour.

So I guess you can never really know the little "things" inside the head of another like you know them in your own. They always have these little insignificant secrets that they don't share because to them are pointless (but to me... fascinating). I'll always be interested in what makes people the way they are... I can't help it, that's the way I am. What can I say, this psychology stuff fills me up with hearts and sheit.. 


Stuck in a box

A beautiful painting titled "Maze III" by Keita Morimoto (you can follow his latest works on his website:

Is it just me or does it feel like we are wasting away our life stuck in a box? To a certain extent everyone is claustrophobic. Most of the time it seems like people are stuck in boxes they create for themselves. Stuck in the delusions made by society or even simple comparisons. Do you ever feel bad because you realize that someone has an amazing natural skill and you don't. Kind of like the cocktail of genetics that made you spit out the extra crap it had and didn't really add anything special to your it forgot the alcohol.(*cough* this is of course not personal thoughts in anyway...) The problem isn't in them its in the fact that you're comparing yourself. If you just be you it takes off a load of pressure. Don't compare an apple and orange.. they're too different in both how they're made, and their taste. So leave the comparing for the douches that want to... you my friend, just focus on spreading the hearts and sheit...

~Yee yee!

A walk in bracebridge...

Took this when I went for a walk around when the sun was setting. Kind of reminds me of how small we are in the giant world. How happy or sad you are really doesn't matter because the sun's going to set weather you like it or don't take no commands from no one son! So... the point being: take life easy... take it slow...enjoy it!

The smell of leaves...

So greenery makes me think of my childhood. Which was mostly spent outside... no not because my parents were abusive (although at times...I-I cant talk about it...they're watching) 

I was out and about... super free! Climbed trees, caught caterpillars... all the good stuffs. People try to grow up to fast and in the process of trying to grow up they loose their freedom and the creativity attached to it! Tis a sad day when the little things in life aren't interesting to you any more. Life isn't boring... its the way your thinking is! Keep that inner child alive and I guarantee you will always stay happy! 

TASK FOR YOU: Go...right now and grab any sort of paint you have and finger paint. If you don't have paint...friggen use your mom's nail polish or some sheit! GO BE FREE MY FRIEND BE FREE! *runs around nude*

~hearts keep me going son! 

Sunshine lollipops

I took this picture last year in April. It's amazing when you look back at the thoughts behind a picture and how you were then, and you compare it to your present and how you think now.

It actually reminds me of a quote a friend told me once...
 "Day by day nothing changes, but when you look back every thing is different"

O_o ouu.... well cheers to that mates

~hearts and sheit...

What exactly is Deja vu?

The part about the brain damage and blindness blew my mind. The man can still see but its the "processing" part that doesn't allow that connection to his conscious state of mind and thus he can technically "see" but not "perceive" WHATHAHECK! Just another amazing thing about the human brain I guess. 

 It reminded me of something I had learned in my Learning psychology class I took not to long ago. There was an experiment that was conducted on individuals with damage to their hippocampus. The hippocampus is an area in the brain that is responsible for consolidation of memory from short term to long term so it is desperately needed when learning new information. The subjects were asked to come into the lab each day and try to solve a memory puzzle. As predicted they had a lot of trouble doing this due to the fact that they didn't have properly functioning short term memory. 

Each day a subject asked what the task was, the laboratory leader would then explain the rules of the task and the subject would try to complete it. The subjects tried for about six days until finally in the matter of minutes a subject completed the task and remarked "Oh...well that was easier than I thought." But how? he had no short term memory! This is something called procedural memory. Everyday was a new day when the subjects came in to work on the task but what the researchers didn't know was that every time the subject worked on the same memory task the brain some how learned from each task until finally it could solve it...even with out its short term memory... (WTF!?) I don't know about you guys... but this gets me damn excited...  

.....I feel hearts and sheit coming outta me chest. 

For the people who "legit" use slang...

Ever meet people that actually talk (seriously) like they came from the ghettoes of New Jersey when in reality,  they were your childhood neighbour from a middle-class suburban residential area...Yeah... this ones for them.

So everyone wants an identity.They want to be known for who they are individually but they simultaneously want to be accepted by those around them. When you have categories placed in front of you like: "gangster", "nerd" etc... and at the same time your still trying to figure out who you are, you do the easiest thing--you pick one and identify with it.

In my opinion we develop and we grow into who we are before we actually become cognitively aware of who we really are. It seems to me that our childhood development paired with genetic inheritance plus the environment we are faced with creates who we are and we don't even know it!

Can we choose who are parents are? No we cant. Can we choose what happens to us as children while growing up? No we cant (considering we are too young to even understand half the stuff around us, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't impact us). Can we choose how introverted/extroverted we are? According to genetics, no, we cant. So by the time we have the cognitive ability of introspection most of our likes/dislikes emotionality (genetic based), and essentially why we are the way we are has been put together already. So then comes the identity crisis.. around the pre-teens (oh joy!). Trying to figure out where you belong, trying to understand who you are, finding role models, all that good stuff. At this stage you start to work with who you are and further sculpt the person you want to be, more or less for the rest of your life.

This sculpting process to me... is extremely important. You can try to be that positive, open minded, relaxed person or you can end up the close-minded, angry-with-life-grab-me-another-alcoholic-beverage-dude who spends his days feeling sorry for himself because he doesn't realize he never worked out his inner conflicts. So basically you can either make your life easier (by becoming a more sociable, and emotionally intelligent individual) or make your life hella hard by flooding your life with negativity and not believing in "self improvement" Jez humans are so complex.

Anyway's the point I'm struggling to make here is that if you be you... you will find people that accept you for you and those are the people you should hold on to. You don't need slang to show people you've got swag... the true swag master's swag is one that comes from being yourself. Awwe yee. and that... well that makes me feel hearts.

~Heart and sheit. ye yee

Sometimes stereotypes are handy...

Just a video from one of my favourite short film directors Wong Fu Productions.
haha Who says stereotypes are a bad thing? Well come to think of it... do Indian people have any cool stereotypes? Uhh.. mathematics!--yeah I suck...We're supposed to smell really bad....(I did say "cool" stereotypes) Well I guess not...</3

The heart...tis broken.

Sweet and Simple

If everyone took care of each other... we wouldn't have to take care of ourselves... XD <3 
Seems like a cheesy idea, but nothing can be more true. Is it really that hard to be nice?  For all the people who wake up in the morning with the intention of hurting someone, wtf bro? You my friend, need something better to do. It may just be your own insecurities getting the best of you...control it! What I think is the most interesting part of this is that people think they understand themselves when really, manz dont know why he be acting like an ass. There's a reason for everything someone does, no action is pointless. So to the man acting an' ass (the double A...) I say.. gettcho sheit sorted out son!

I've met some people in my life, whose negativity astounds me. I read a quote once... It went something like "we either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."
Its the same with positivity and negativity, take your can either waste your energy in making the world you live in more shittier or you can make it a little bit more filled with hearts... I personally go for the hearts. <3

~hearts and sheit. ye yee


Well there's always time for a litto "jiggyness"