Monday 21 May 2012

I think I've accepted...

"Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone, and the only one who seeks... to realize himself in another." -Octavio Paz 

Maybe it was the gloomy weather… maybe it’s just the inevitable nature of life that has constantly making itself apparent to me. (WARNING: You are about to witness intense emoness) Okay maybe not that emo. But it’s a sad idea nonetheless. The idea I’m talking about is the very nature of existence O_o (aww sheit… girls be getting philosophical). Okay…. Well it’s this idea that with life comes the confinement of loneliness. Kind of like a trade-off… you have life, but it’s alone… but not really… if ya get my drift. I guess in the end everyone is confined in their own mind. I mean that, no matter how many people you have around you, it is inevitable that they will leave, and you will be back to being stuck inside your own head. I love the idea of the subjective human and how everyone with unique perspectives interacts… but when you strip it down, it can be awfully depressing.

I think I can say that I’ve accepted the fact that people leave. It sounds sad… but it’s true. When we meet someone new, rarely do we ever think about where our paths will split. It’s kind of an unspoken inevitability, something that happens naturally. Everyone seems to enter your experiences in life in different time intervals, and sometimes when they leave we don’t even notice. Think about friends you had maybe grade 6? Then maybe a friend of yours moved, they did not influence your life any longer, they had their time interval and then left. And maybe you remember this friend that you were quite fond of. What you are left with are memories of them, but not necessarily sadness that they are gone (in some cases, yes). But them being gone, is kind of something that is accepted, since it happens so much in life, with new people, things, and places. It’s quite inevitable.

The most interesting thing is that each human being that enters your life brings with them certain experiences (in that strict time interval that they are with you). You pick up unique habits, ways of conversing, attitudes, ideas, preferences simply from meeting someone new. What’s even cooler is the fact that the little tendencies you have picked up from them, they in turn have picked up from others. They are as much a product of the different people they have met, as much as you are. Essentially you are meeting the people they have met… in a way.  I guess what I am saying is simply that we all become a unique person from a mix of all the different kinds of people we meet. And in turn the people we meet are mixes of the vast assortment of people they have met. This is what I find amazing. If you think about it seems through 3 people you can have met 3 million characters.

Anyways, back on track here. These people bound to split paths with you one way or another, whether you notice it or not, and if they stay with you for the rest of your life there is still one last thing reminding you that you are alone in this world… which is, you guessed it, death. I guess this is why humans desperately search for attachment and a sense of belonging. The worst feeling is definitely loneliness and people try their best not to feel this. Family serves to mend this sense of loneliness, where you have people around you that love you and that you know support you, the idea of loneliness doesn’t really make itself apparent in this kind of environment (of course depending on the relationship one has with their family members). And the idea of relationships or that “perfect partner” is also there to serve as a life vest. Take marriage for example, you have found someone who has committed to you that they will stay with you “till death do you apart”. The two partners will be there for each other and once again you do not have to deal with this idea of loneliness. But with this comes a different problem: when the two partners “part” (PART…ners *cough* anyone see what I see O_O). So when this person leaves that has promised to stay with you, who else will be there for you? People tend to have a lost sense of self after a split. Perhaps it’s because the very means of their existence have been snatched away from them. If the person might have kids, then they may not be as lost after a 15 year marriage then someone who spent the same amount of time in the marriage and does not have kids.

Just to clarify I’m not saying people can never be happy alone. They can! What I am trying to point out is a person is confined to their own brain for their whole life. People come in and out of this world you create for yourself, and many times people try to get away from their little world by finding other people they can try to share it with. In a way… that’s the beauty of a relationship of any kind, whether a close friendship, a family member, or a partnership. You share that little subjective world with another person who has their own world. The two sort of combine and create something awesome!

And this combination… well it fills me up with hearts and sheit no doubt! <3

Hearts&Sheit <3 :3 

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