Friday 20 July 2012


“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.”—Marianne Williamson

So something I’ve noticed recently…. I hear people call others “weird” a lot and talk about how they are repelled by these people because of this “weirdness”. And something I’ve picked up about myself is that I have never really found anyone weird. I mean it’s not like I’ve never used the word before, but I guess what I’m saying is I’ve never meant it. I’ve never found anyone odd. Of course you do have the occasional socially oblivious souls (poor things…) but they’re not weird… they’re just annoying.  And the thing is it’s not their fault, which makes me sad, because they end up growing older with negative social experiences and wonder why people don’t enjoy their company. Generally social behaviors are genetic (and then obviously nurtured by environment) but they are a product of their influences and they might be a tad socially awkward and people end up finding them “weird”. I have always differentiated between socially awkward and weirdness, aren’t they different?

I mean… the world weird it implies oddness. But all people are odd, I don’t get it. Every person you’ll meet will have some kind of “weird” thing about them and it’s just so cool! That’s what makes them different, because to them it’s not weird but to others it’s something unheard of. People are amazing. I once met this artist who was showing at her grad exhibition and I noticed on her hand she had a round circle of dead skin (sounds gross… it didn’t look that bad) It was around the area under the pinky on the outside of her hand. I asked her about it and she said she had a nervous habit of chewing the side of her hand… she used to smoke before to ease her nerves but now that she quit she started this little habit.  She stood there looking kind of embarrassed and said “Yeah I know that’s so weird right?”  I found it awesome… not weird, that was her little… stress reliever. Different…  Interesting! Not weird. But maybe that is what weird is, different? I feel like maybe habits can be weird but not people… or can they? Not sure if I have an answer to that but in my eyes… I have yet to find someone I call “weird”. But you see whenever I meet someone it’s like that “thing” that’s them… is them… (If that makes sense) I usually don’t find people weird it’s just who they are, another different personality in the many we have!

                For those socially oblivious souls out there, it’s okay… you’re awesome man (just try not to annoy people… READ BODY LANGUAGE please… try). I’ve stayed friends with/have friends that people might not consider the most socially normal (and I guess they’re not always people you want to leave on a one to one conversation with another friend you just introduced them to) but they still have their own… qualities. I mean I once had a friend that kind of looked like he avoided eye contact, it seemed like he would say whatever was on his mind… whether appropriate timing or not. But when you get past the social normalities (which we construct in the first place, they’re not even real) he was a really amazing person. Not to mention super talented, he had a thing for music. But here’s the thing (and something that annoys me) if you just met him upfront and didn’t try to get to know him or… let’s say give him a chance you wouldn’t realize he’s just like everyone else. I’ve noticed some people tend to categorize others (gets me angry! *breathing exercises*) but once they’re categorized it becomes easy to not consider them important. Well they’re “different” kind of “weird”… what does that even mean? It means they don’t belong in your category that’s what it means. When we do this we stop recognizing the human in everyone… by this I mean there is no general openness to the human being there is a restrictive superficial understanding and I despise it! I guess what I’m trying to reinforce here is a kind of Buddhist love for all human beings? I really feel like people need to open their minds and………. Hearts -____- (I said it okay… I said it… so cheesy oh my god. I know. But it’s true!)  

I was called weird throughout school! …  People still call me weird. I don’t think I’m weird at all. Some people have approached me with saying that it’s a good weird! A positive one (yay :3) I’ve had others who have just been mean. I have a tendency to make animated faces… this doesn’t always jive with some people. So I’ve gotten some remarks that have hurt a little… But I usually don’t care about that little percent of people because in my eyes… they just aren’t fun (logic… tis flawless).  But what I am saying is everyone is normal I guess… with qualities, where the doses of the qualities are different in each person, it leads to a different cocktail each time doesn’t it (I just like alcohol). But yeah I guess just try to stay open minded about people and try to get to know them. Everyone has something you can learn from… So be open like a jar :D… Jars with no cookies… they’re not so great you see and if their closed they can’t get any sweet cookies either. So open yours and fill it with different cookies… :D (LOL forgive my off-the-top-of-my-head-stupid example)

I think I’ll be able to sleep tonight :D (sad how that’s something exciting… I’ve kind of been an insomniac lately) I feel oddly at peace today… I think its ma music, positive attitude and the fact that I get to see my mom tomorrow! (LOL… yeah. I know I’m lame, what can I say she’s oodles of fun) <3

Well till next time beautiful people. Thank you for reading and open your jars :D ….(no sexual pun intended… for all you out there… that think things about things…that aren’t really things to think things about… *cough*) anyways stay smiling :)

Hearts&Sheit…… <3 <3 <3

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