Monday 2 July 2012

Motives and Inconsistencies

"True character in a faceless world" -Lotus Evora

Is it sad that I don’t have much faith in other human beings? Perhaps there is far too much to lead me to feel disappointed then revived and optimistic. Maybe it’s my recent mood, or maybe it’s the people I’ve been dealing with. But when do you actually know who a person really is, compared to who they are projecting themselves to be?  Are they simply saying what they know you want to hear? Or are they genuine? When your spidey senses kick off and say “woh… I just sensed some… BULLSHYAT” how accurate is that? Could it just be slight paranoia, or a deeper intuition? So many questions with little answers. Maybe in the bigger picture they don’t really matter… but they still pose an annoying situation. 

So then you guys might be thinking, well so what if they’re just saying what they know you want to hear, they can be trying to impress you, maybe gain approval? And yes that might be a reason but then why the heck would they be doing this? And what are the motivating factors that lead someone to do this? Insecurities, future plans, maybe a socializing technique? My point is... well... what's the point? In the end (if they are in fact altering their words for your approval) they are not being genuine to themselves... what's the point in that?

Does who they really are on the inside really matter in the end? Maybe not, maybe you can't know. But there is one clear indication of personality... if they are slightly altering their words to get a favourable reaction that's also an aspect of their personality (a natural aspect of socializing as well... but I'm talking.. specifically changing things in accordance to what you have displayed). Weather for good or bad... I guess it depends on the situation. They could be manipulative... or they could simply have an agreeable nature. Maybe in the end it doesn't matter, because what do you really gain from thinking that you've figured someone out? Nothing really, because truth is you probably haven't. What an utterly pointless cycle... -__- (sorry *cough* just wasted 5 seconds of your life). But I think the need to know someone's true nature is rooted in everyone. Its a way to survive as a social human being I guess...

On that note (surviving as social beings that is)… what is up with some people? So inconsistent in their behaviors so that sometimes it seems completely impossible to guess what’s going on in their noggin. Jez… why is it so hard to be consistent? Isn’t life so much simpler when you just say what’s bothering you? Or drop the social awkwardness or what you think you should do? I’ve been in some pretty odd situations with some people that can easily say “hey so {insert odd situation} was pretty weird right?” and laugh it off… when instead these people ignore and refuse to accept anything in the domain of “socially awkward” has happened (when you both clearly know… whaz good  -__-). Mayne people don’t realize this but they make their awkward situations even more awkward when they refuse to acknowledge something… for all the people out there who do this… GAH JUST ACCEPT IT and chillax!

Common awkward scenario:

Person A is acquainted with person B
Person B happens to step onto the same bus person A rides
Person A sits there awkwardly refusing to acknowledge the existence of person B
Person B feels awkward as a result then also refusing to acknowledge their unacknowledged existence
What we have: A CYCLE OF AWKWARDNESS throughout a 45 minute bus ride (complete with slight glances in each other’s direction and an damn odd angle to stare out the window… lol).

This poisonous cycle could have been avoided:

Person A is acquainted with person B
Person B happens to step onto the same bus person A rides
Person A waves a friendly hello, or flashes a warm smile to person B
Person B reciprocates this gesture
What we have: a NORMAL SOCIAL SITUATION throughout a 45 minute bus ride (complete with comfortable body gestures and relaxing positioning).

Moral of the story: Chill the fug out, and wave a friggen hello. Your life will not end, I promise.

Anyways just a funny little thing that seems to happen a lot with people, I personally find waving really diminishes the awkwardness (quite obviously…) but yes. Please next time you’re in an awkward situation have a sense of humour, laugh it off, don’t be so uptight and don’t take things so seriously.

And being chilled out, well that makes me feel the good ol’ hearts and sheit. Tis Rav signing off at 5:12am (I think I have a mild case of insomnia…) Cheers and keep smiling.

Hearts&Sheit…. &funny awkward situations… 

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